

My name is Andrew Klein. I’m an illustrator and an artist. I was born in 1973 and grew up in Brooklyn, NY. Ever since first grade, it became apparent that I’d be drawing for the rest of my life. In 1988, I decided to leave the comforts of my neighborhood school district and venture on the F Train into Manhattan everyday to further my passions. I earned my high school diploma from Art and Design HS in 1991, and a BFA from the School of Visual Arts in 1995.

My journey through mixed media is ongoing and derives it’s strength from pop culture, music, nature, fantasy, and emotional honesty. I hold a Masters Degree in Art Education from Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY and work as an art educator in NYC.


Each piece is hand-crafted, original and one of a kind…like a personal pizza. Every image seen on this site is up for auction and I will be updating it periodically. If you have a preference or any visual ideas you’d like to see executed; inquire within. I’m always on call and available for collaborative efforts as well.

Anything and everything is possible through creative search and I hope you enjoy my process.